How to predict divorce in palmistry?
Surprisingly, every alternate day I get divorce cases for consultation. Lack of tolerance, commitment, ego problems, infidelity, and even trivial reasons are leading to divorces these days which is startling to me.
It is crucial to understand the mitigating signs, personality traits of an individual before knowing about the various potential markings that increase the likelihood of divorce. This is how you can predict divorce in palmistry.
Palm reading is not for entertainment unless you are forced to mention it as per law in some countries. I have found it as a legitimate tool for self-awareness and avoiding future problems in your life if approached correctly.
Some people certainly require a reality check in their lives and it is the prerogative of the reader to call a spade a spade and should not indulge in a sugar-coated reading that obscures the message. This is precisely what they have taken a reading for.
A skilled palm reader is just showcasing his character flaws and not dictating his present or future choice. Ultimately, it is up to the individual whether they choose to act upon the recommendations provided or disregard them.
There are certain indications found in palmistry that might lead to a divorce or separation from your partner.
Which line on palm shows divorce?
No single line on the hands directly indicates divorce. Comprehensive analysis of various factors such as the marriage lines on both hands, the formation and condition of the heart line, the mounts especially the Jupiter and the Venus mount, the type of nails, intuition, cultural background of the subject, and the overall firmness of the hand are required to ascertain the possibility of a divorce.
However, to simplify the process for beginners certain warning signs on the hands might indicate divorce in palm reading.
Can palmistry predict divorce?
In some cases, it can predict divorce with absolute certainty. While there are instances where reading can suggest problematic marital life and emotional distress but not necessarily divorce.
It really boils downs to the experience and skills of the palm reader.
Divorce is a complex outcome influenced by various factors such as personal choices, circumstances, relationship dynamics, and external variables that sometimes goes beyond the scope of palm reading.
Let’s see certain divorce lines on hand that might lead to separation from your partner.
Fork at the end of the marriage line

The forked marriage line at the end generally suggests significant differences of opinion that may result in temporary separation or even a permanent break-up.
In a marriage or any relationship per se, two people are meant to balance out each other with love. In this case, they are acting against each other, moving in separate directions which obviously destabilizes any marriage.
The size of the fork indicates the severity of troubles in the subject’s love life or marriage.
Influence line from mount of Moon cutting fate line

If the influence line from Mount of Moon cuts the fate line as shown indicates someone most probably the opposite sex with hidden agenda will enter into the subject’s life at that particular age. He or she will take advantage of the situation, and subsequently leave the subject.
This combination is open to many interpretations.
It generally indicates a negative outcome in marriage. The marriage turns sour and often ends in a divorce or complete disaster that brings unpleasant painful experiences to an individual provided there are many indications on the hands to support it.
Island on marriage line

An island on the marriage line denotes the ill health of a spouse, constant arguments, and quarrels between the couple resulting in the potential for divorce or separation during the middle of their married life.
Similarly, an island at the end of marriage line brings unhappiness and emotional trauma. It is a clear indication of an impending divorce or separation towards the end.
Read More: Islands on various locations in hands, CLICK HERE
Two marriage lines

In traditional palmistry, two marriage lines were construed as two marriages in the subject’s life. It is a blunder made by amateur palm readers who overlook other negative signs on the hands and quickly come to this conclusion
Two parallel marriage lines on palm of equal length and depth raise the possibility that the subject might end up loving two people at the same time or engage in an extramarital affair.
Hence it is referred to as the second marriage line in female’s hand or the male’s hand.
However, if two marriage lines are present on the palm, and one of the lines is quite faint in color. In such a case, it is more likely an affection line rather than an indicator of multiple marriages.
What are the signs of second marriage in palmistry?
No isolated line or sign on the palm can indicate second marriage!
Hook on marriage line

A hook at the end of the marriage line suggests that the marriage is likely to conclude in divorce due to irreconcilable differences.
Read More: 100 % break up if you have these signs, CLICK HERE
Vertical line cutting marriage line

Vertical lines cutting marriage line represent a lack of peace in the marriage, potential deception in the love life, frequent financial and emotional troubles after marriage, and obstacles in the marital journey.
If the vertical lines crossing marriage line are very deep and distinct, there is a strong likelihood of a divorce and the subject’s life might get ruined by the marriage.
Lines from heart line cutting marriage line

Lines from the heart line cutting the marriage line denote deep trouble in a marriage, dissatisfaction in a relationship, and emotional incompatibility with the opposite gender.
A line from Venus mount to Mercury mount

If the line from the Mount of Venus cuts the lifeline, the headline, the heart line, and travels to the Mount of Mercury indicates legal separation due to interference from relatives, family, or friends.
Read More: Bad marriage signs in your hands, CLICK HERE
Break in marriage line

The broken marriage line in Palmistry signifies a disruption in the flow of energy through the marriage line.
If the marriage line breaks leaving a substantial gap denotes his or her marriage is on the rocks, and there is a high probability of separation.
Cross at the end of marriage line

A cross on the marriage line or a cross at the end of the marriage line is a sign of bad marriage, persistent relationship troubles, or the death of a partner.
Vertical line cutting the branch from heart line

If the Fate line merges with the heart line and throws a branch to the Jupiter mount denotes successful marriage.
However, if a vertical line intersects this branch, it indicates divorce or break up.
Downward branches from heart line

The marriage line bending towards the heart line and downward branches from the heart line in the direction of the thumb or lower mars certainly denote emotional shock, personality problems, or major disappointments in matters related to the heart.
The overall hand needs to be examined to make an accurate prediction.
Read More: Love marriage signs in your hands, CLICK HERE
Break in fate line

If a line from the moon mount joins the fate line and soon after an island, a bar, or break appears on the Saturn line indicates distrust in marriage and strain on the relationship.
The spouse will severely damage the career of a person, and eventual separation can be seen.
Marriage line goes downwards

A marriage line going downwards towards the heart line on both hands or the active hand is generally considered bad for marriage, divorce through tough legal battle, or the early death of a life partner.
Marriage line cutting broken girdle of Venus

The marriage line cutting broken girdle of Venus in palmistry suggests the subject will destroy his or her marriage due to one’s whimsical nature, erratic behavior, unreasonable demands, and addiction issues.
Downward fork on marriage line

If there is a presence of a forked marriage line and one branch of the fork intersects with both the headline and the fate line suggests the subject’s career and mental well-being will be adversely affected because of the failures in the marriage.
Line from Mount of Venus cutting the fate line

A line from Mount of Venus cutting the fate line represents confusion in the marriage caused by cunning and jealous relatives or family members.
It will eventually lead to a divorce.
Island on the fate line cut by Rahu lines

An island on the fate line cut by Rahu lines is a strong indicator of the sudden termination of the marriage.
Lines from the headline cutting the marriage line

Lines from the headline cutting the marriage line denote friction in the marriage due to differences of opinions and ego problems.
Marriage line cuts the sun line

If the marriage line cuts the sun line it suggests the subject’s wealth, social status, and reputation will be destroyed by the marriage or bad spouse.
It is an unfavorable marking.
Star Sign on marriage line

If there is a presence of star sign on marriage line along with a fate line that breaks in the middle of the palm and moves towards Jupiter mount that rules marriage brings catastrophe in the subject’s married life and divorce is likely.
Extramarital line in palmistry

If a line runs close to the fate line as shown and the heartline is chained increases the chances of an extramarital affair due to the subject’s constantly changing disposition.
Hence the name, extramarital affair line in palmistry.
However, if you don’t know how to connect dots in palm reading, it is wise not to give half-knowledge answers to other people.
Divorce line in male palm

There is not much of a difference between a divorce line on a male’s hand and the divorce line on a female’s hand.
Signs of divorce in palmistry remain consistent regardless of gender.
Looking at the strong downward lines from heart line toward aggressive Mars and the condition of the Sun mount leads me to conclude that the person will encounter delays in the marriage, frequent heartbreaks, and people will misconstrue him resulting in emotional frustrations.
Divorce line in female hand

This is the hand of a female who consulted me.
Saturn mount is elevated with negative signs on it, a clear line from the heart line is dropping towards the underdeveloped and rayed lower mars, the formation of the fate line, and a myriad of other features on the hand pointed towards bitter divorce.
She faced a vacuum in love and romantic matters due to constant setbacks in the marriage.
The point is, no single line on the palms can definitively determine the occurrence of a divorce.
I have a similar downward line going from heart line to head line. The fate line breaks before the head line and starts again after this branch of heart line touches it.
Does it mean divorce?