There are certain indications on the hands that gives clue to the person of potential troubles in the marriage or relationship.
These signs can appear at any given point in time, hence proper care should be taken by the person and make subsequent changes in the personality or lifestyle to avert the marital problems.
Let’s look at some of the negative signs that reflect break up or bad marriage in palmistry.
The marriage line going towards the heart line

If multiple branches from the heart line are going downwards all the way towards the lower mount of Mars and the marriage line is also bending towards the heart line indicates potential troubles in the relationship.
Such a person always suffers from anger issues and this constant repressed inner aggression takes a toll on the marriage or any relationship per se.
It is advised to consult a therapist in such cases.
A line from Venus to Mercury mount

If the line from the mount of Venus cuts the effort line, the headline and the heart line are a clear indication of troubles in the marriage.
In addition, if there is a break or an island on the marriage line accentuates the troubles faced by the person.
Black mole on the mount of the moon

This is the hand of a person who told me at the time of consultation that she broke off her engagement and was finding it difficult to convince her parents to marry a man she had a relationship with due to some religious differences and trust issues on the parent’s part.
If a black mole gets formed on the mount of the moon along with the shallow headline with the branches from the defective heart line going downwards is a sign of problems in the marriage.
Such a person should always keep some headstrong individual in the loop while making decisions in the early phase as the person lacks emotional intelligence.
It also indicates sleeping disorders and a negative approach toward life.
Fork on Marriage line

If the line from the influence line cuts the effort line and goes all the way towards the mercury mount cutting the forked marriage line is a clear indication of serious troubles in the married life which can even lead to divorce.
Fork on the marriage creates a difference of opinions.
However, when cut by another line from the Venus mount increases the frustrations in married life.
A line from Venus mount cutting the Sun line

If multiple bars cut the heart line and lines from the influence line cut the sun line at any point in time suggests problems in married life and damage to the reputation of a person.
These are some of the signs which suggest potential troubles in the relationships.
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