There have been many instances in my life, where I was inadvertently in the wrong place at the wrong time and miraculously escaped unscathed.
Some of the incidents have left a lasting impression on my life.

Many years ago, I was headed home from a party.
Unfortunately, my car broke down at a certain place that was notorious for something, I don’t want to divulge.
I was paranoid at that particular moment.

Long story short, this is the hand of a sturdy-looking man who came out of nowhere with an axe and whisked away the strangers who were approaching me with the kn*ves in their hands.
He later told me that his house was just behind the streets while fixing my car.
As a gesture, I offered him money and he burst into laughter and mentioned he was a rich man, he just wanted to help.
However, he got intrigued when I told him I read palms, it might offer some valuable insights into his future. I took this image in the dead of night.
The hand showed disturbing signs.
Read More: Unsuccessful signs in your hands, CLICK HERE
A line from life line to upper mars

Look at the line from the lifeline that goes all the way to the upper mount of Mars cutting the fate line, the headline, and the health line at the age of around 31.
The density of the line is the same as that of the fate line.
I told him to transfer all the lands, insurance policies, or whatever assets he had to his name, otherwise, he would be on the streets and go insane in the coming years.
In addition, there is a well-marked cross on the mount of Jupiter that suggests he was happily married.
When you combine both these parameters, it can be fairly concluded that there is a hidden enemy very close to the person other than his wife that will try to destroy his life and potential lawsuits as well.
Furthermore, the headline is sharply turning towards the mount of the moon at the same age. It is considered a bad sign.
It represents a sudden shock to the brain, loss of memory, and extreme changes in the personality that might result in major depression.
He asked me to get going as it was quite late.
I dropped my contact details and left.
Years later, his own brother and blood relatives swindled him and literally brought him on the streets.
This is known as destiny, and it comes under the purview of predictive palmistry.
Read More: Extremely bad signs in your hands, CLICK HERE

The universe somehow brought two strangers together.
He was there to help me in the present, and I was there to save him from a major disaster in the future.
Unfortunately, he did not take my words seriously.
Certain things can be predicted on the hands if there are many other signs to corroborate it.
Line from lower mars to Sun mount

If lines from the lower mount of Mars cuts the fate line, and the fate line diminishes after the cut indicates violent death by his own family members or a huge loss of money.
Similarly, if the line from the lower mars cuts the sun line denotes continuous lawsuits from enemies will ruin the life and reputation of a person.
Line from upper Mars to Saturn mount

If there is a grille formation on the upper mount of Mars represents he or she is the enemy of oneself or has temper issues.
In addition, if a line from this grille pattern goes to the mount of Saturn is a clear sign of danger from enemies and fear of uncertainty in one’s life.
Read More: Grille sign and delay in success signs, CLICK HERE
Many horizontal lines on fingertips and fingers

In the ecosystem of palmistry, horizontal lines on the three sections of fingers are considered enemy lines, which is not necessarily true.
In 80 percent of cases, these lines denote obstructions to the flow of energy pertaining to that particular section of a finger.
However, if there are other negative signs that are present on the hands. In that case, they can be construed as lines of the enemy in palmistry.
Lines from heart line cuts the Sun line

If the lines from the heart line cut the sun line, or there is an island formation on the sun line as shown is a certain sign of deception and defamation caused by one’s wife or husband.
It also indicates divorce and financial setbacks.
Lines from upper mars cutting mercury line

If the lines from the upper mount of Mars cuts the mercury line represents fake friends will destroy the health and business prospects of a person.
Likewise, if the line from upper mars cuts the sun line is a sign of a huge loss of money due to jealous enemies.
Read More: Poverty lines in your hands, CLICK HERE
A line from base of thumb cutting fate line

If the line from the base of a thumb cuts the lifeline as well as the fate line is a sign of continuous hindrance from relatives or loved ones that will mar the career prospects of a person.
Similarly, an island on the thick line on the mount of Venus, and a line from this island cuts the fate line indicates a cunning spouse and a relationship built on lies.
Line from lower mars to Saturn mount

If the line from the lower mount of Mars goes to the mount of Saturn is a sign of serious accident or mental trauma caused by the enemies.
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