The presence of Sunline also known as the Apollo line makes the person wealthy, famous, lucky, and successful.
SunLine In Palmistry

Ideally, the Sun line originates from the bottom of the palm and reaches the Sun mount as shown without any defects. This suggests that the person is successful and famous right from childhood and it will last till the very end of his or her career.
On top of it, if the star appears anywhere on the Sun line indicates stupendous success at that particular age.I have shown the approximate timings that can be predicted on the sun line.
It intersects the headline at the age of around 35 and intersects the heart line at the age of around 46, accordingly, you can predict the timing of the sun line on your hand.
Let’s see the practical combinations of this brilliant line and its various interpretations.
Deeply etched Sunline

A deep sun line etched on the person’s hand and no horizontal lines cutting the line as shown indicates efforts made by the person will get recognition and lots of wealth and fame in his or her life.
The person will attract the right kind of people to achieve success in one’s career.
It is often said that the presence of such a sun line will bring success in the latter part of one’s life is not necessarily true.
Read More: To see an excellent sun line with stars, CLICK HERE
Thick Sun line

The thick sun line on the sun mount indicates the person is quite showy, ostentatious, and craves for constant attention and praise for his or her work.
The person lacks the requisite talent or skill sets in one’s career.
It is not considered as a good sign.
Branches from the Sunline

If one branch from the Sun line goes to the mercury mount and another branch from the Sun line goes to the Saturn Mount as shown denotes the person is using communication and business skills from the Mercury Mount and wisdom, hard work from the Saturn Mount to achieve name and fame in his or her life.
It makes the person very balanced and grounded while achieving the desired success in one’s career.
Flag or Dhwaja on the Sunline

The flag sign on the sun mount represents the person who will gain international fame in his or her career in traditional palmistry.
Please note: Don’t make a triangle from the upward branch and downward branch cutting the Sun line.
It is not considered to be an auspicious triangle. It should be well-marked and distinct without any defects.
Read More: Money Making signs in your hands, CLICK HERE
Two Sun lines

If the line runs parallel to the main sun line also known as the double sun line indicates the dual interests of the person in one’s life.
Sometimes it also acts as a protection to the main sun line. That’s why it is known as a sister line or line of reputation in palmistry.
However, if too many Sun lines are present on the Sun mount suggests that the energy of the person is divided into too many fields or interests and he or she won’t be able to make it big in either of them.
Wavy Sunline

The wavy sun line on the hands represents even though the person is capable of achieving the desired reputation, he or she won’t be able to make full use of one ability because of constant obstacles which might take a toll on the health and confidence of the person.
Read More: Continuous struggles and obstacles in your life, CLICK HERE
Break on the Sunline

Break on the Sunline suggests loss of reputation, fame, success, and constant frustration and trouble during that particular period.
However, if the line appears again as shown indicates that the person managed to overcome those obstacles and regained one’s reputation in society.
Trident on the Sunline

Trident at the end of the sun line is a guaranteed sign of celebrity status and excellent success in one’s life.
It is one of the best positive markings that can be found on a person’s hand.
Sun line from the Fate line

If the sun line starts from the fate line and goes all the way towards Sun Mount as shown denotes stupendous success in one’s career due to his or her efforts and hard work.
Read More: To see this line in lucky lottery winner, CLICK HERE
Island on the Sun line

If an island appears on the Sunline represents a huge loss of money and reputation in the person’s life.
It is considered a very bad sign.
I want to know if I’ll be famous even if I have a short Apollo line.
Can I snapshot my palm for reading?
You have to pay for the service
i have a star on apollo mount but 5 lines instead of 6 i have trident on my faith line but one linm is dim it can be a y or a v too