The little finger also known as the mercury finger in palmistry is a helpful tool to find the personality of a person.
Long mercury finger gives the ability to communicate freely with other people, which makes the person quite successful in love matters or any relationships.
Long Mercury finger

Mercurians have a knack for mixing a sense of humor with normal conversation which makes it more interesting, and ultimately helps them to get the work done at a much faster rate.
No wonder, they have exceptional convincing and persuasion skills to make a lasting impression on people.

They are also gifted with a sound logical mind that helps them to make the right decision at the right time.
That’s why they are found in business and other money-making-related fields, where they are so good at analyzing various different situations and making their way out of them with solid negotiations.
Low-set mercury finger

On many hands, you will find the base of the mercury finger (pinky finger) is set low as compared to other fingers.
In this case, the base of Jupiter, Saturn, and Apollo’s finger is aligned exactly in a more or less horizontal line and then there is a sudden drop as shown.
It denotes, there might have been some incidents in the childhood or early phase of one’s career, that made the person quite cautious in sharing one’s feelings or emotions in a frank manner.
The higher the drop, the higher the likelihood of a person who prefers to keep the feelings or emotions to oneself which makes him or her quite secretive in nature.
Read More: Shape of the hand and your personality, CLICK HERE
Determine the true length of Pinky finger

Low set mercury finger often makes the little finger look short, relative to other fingers.
To determine the true length of the little finger, place the base of your little finger and match it with the base of the Ring finger of another hand as shown.
This will give you a fair idea of whether the mercury finger is long, average, or short in length.
If the mercury finger exceeds the first joint of the Apollo’s finger as marked by the line in red color is considered a long little finger.
Similarly, if the mercury finger reaches the first joint of Apollo’s finger as marked by the line in green color is an average pink finger length, and finally, if the mercury finger reaches just above the second joint of Apollo’s finger as marked by the line in yellow color is considered as short little finger.
Please Note: While assessing the personality of the person, a small drop in the base of the mercury finger is often neglected.
Read More: Do you have these stress lines in your hands, CLICK HERE
Long Little finger

If the mercury finger (little finger) exceeds the first joint of the Apollo’s finger, indicates the person has an aggressive approach to making money so that he or she can have a very smooth life in the later part of life.
They are very passionate about the work they do, going into every possible detail.
Such kind of dedication helps them rise to the position of power in a short period of time.
In this case, the base of all the fingers is evenly set which makes the person very frank, bold, and honest in nature.
Successful People around the World

Take a look at the hands of the most successful people in the world; the world’s richest man Bill Gates, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, and many other successful people, you will find the length of the pinky finger to be long and evenly set.
At the same time, it moves away from the Apollo’s finger suggesting the unconventional and charming nature of the person.
Read more: Billionaire Lines in your hands, CLICK HERE
Average Little finger

If the mercury finger just reaches the first joint of the Apollo’s finger or slightly below it, is deemed as an average pinky finger.
Such people are quite patient while achieving success in their lives.
They always seek to keep a balance between the public and private life. In addition, they don’t interfere in someone else’s life and want the same in return.
They are neither too hungry for power nor they set their ambitions very low.
Short Little finger

People with short pinky finger lacks communication skills, an inability to make solid contacts, quite shy and introverted in nature.
Due to their socially awkward nature, they are often misconstrued in society.
There is a lack of focus, and nervousness when it comes to public speaking also known as stage fright.
They often require some kind of push or motivation to move ahead in one’s life. The reason is, they cannot easily take decisions in their lives.
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