Dwayne Johnson is a global superstar who is an actor, producer, and a living legend in the world of wrestling popularly known as “The Rock”.
He is a born Martian type. Martian people have very strong muscular bodies with broad chests, round faces, and big noses, and are determined individuals who are always ready to fight the troubles.
Super Star Dwayne Johnson’s Hands

In fact, wrestling is in his blood; he belongs to a family of wrestlers where his father and grandfather were pro wrestlers.
Square Palm

Broad and squarish palm at the wrist and base of the finger along with the well-structured hand makes him highly practical, business-minded, and inclined towards the physical and materialistic world.
Low Set Thumb Palmistry
Look at the thumb, it is large and low set. His Low-set refined thumb reflects his strong character, intelligence, and determination.
Like all the fingers, the thumb consists of three different sections.
He has got a balance of willpower and strong determination represented by the first section of the thumb backed by refined logical and reasoning abilities with diplomacy. The large and developed mount of Venus without any defects makes him a warm, sympathetic, attractive, people person, energetic who has a strong sex drive and loves luxurious life.
The gap between the thumb and index finger

The large gap between the Jupiter finger and the thumb along with the broad nails denotes his generous, extrovert, independent, and broad-minded nature.
His nails also reflect his vigorous constitution and good health.
The conic tip and the well-developed knot at the second section of the thumb compensate for his overbearing nature and make him a very good refined diplomatic person who is thoughtful and considerate while making decisions.
That’s why the thumb holds special importance in palmistry because it is one of the most important parameters while determining the success of an individual.
Low Set Jupiter Finger

Jupiter’s finger is set low in both hands which represents a lack of self-esteem and self-confidence.
In the hands of public figures, it is often found that the person struggles to find the perfect balance between public and private life; problems with one’s individuality.
This is precisely what is getting reflected on his hand which can easily be controlled in the long run if other mounts are good.
Apollo’s finger leaning toward Saturn
Jupiter’s finger and Apollo’s finger are inclined towards Saturn’s finger and the Saturn’s finger is standing as straight and tall.
It indicates that Saturn has a major influence on his personality.
Saturn is a planet of persistent hard work, wisdom, responsibility, and research. Few people know that Dwayne holds a degree in criminology before he became very successful in the entertainment industry.
Well-developed mount of Mercury
Saturn mount, a well-developed mount of mercury along with the square hand makes him a very good judge of human nature who works extremely hard with wisdom and research bestowed by the Saturn mount.
Dwayne is known all throughout the industry for his strong work ethic and hardworking nature.
It also makes him quite witty and humorous because of the well-developed mount of mercury.
The length of the fingers, the texture of the skin, and the space between the head line and heart line is medium making him a very balanced personality.
Finger Knots Palmistry

An interesting thing to note on his hand is the presence of a mental knot on the ring finger also known as Apollo’s finger.
It represents he has got refined taste and original thinking in art, music, film choices, and business decisions.
Similarly, knots present at the second section of the fingers make him analytical, disciplined, and orderly in his day-to-day life, and refrains from taking impulsive decisions.
Upper Mars Palmistry

Look at the well-developed and padded upper mount of Mars.
It represents perseverance, the fighting spirit who will never give up in his life and has got a high appetite for food, sex, and beauty along with the well-developed mount of Venus and the Moon.
It also explains why he religiously follow his daily workout routine and was good in professional sports like football in his early days because of his stamina and go-getter attitude.
Read More: Meaning Mounts on the hands, CLICK HERE
Well-developed mount of Moon
A Mount of the moon is protruding from the edges in both hands which suggests his fertile imagination, intuition, and sensitive caring nature.
The development of the double-sided Apollo mount, clear and strong headline curving towards the mount of the moon, long Apollo finger, and conic tips of the fingers add strength to the creativity, intuition, luck and make him a very romantic and likable personality who loves beauty and art.
He loves being around water and music calms his nerves whenever he is stressed out.
Power of the Subconscious Mind

In a nutshell, all the mounts are working in conjunction to give the best possible results, especially the passive subconscious mind.
If the subconscious mind is powerful, no one can stop the person from converting his high ambitions backed by the Jupiter mount into an actual reality.
Let’s look at the major and the minor lines and try to decipher what the future holds for Dwayne.
Major And Minor Lines

Fate line starting from the wrist
The fate line also known as the career line is starting just above the wrist(orange color) and goes all the way towards the Saturn mount ending at the heart line.
It is considered a lucky sign to have well-developed mounts as described earlier.
The lifeline and the fate line are weak and faint up to the age of 20. Dwayne has a difficult childhood, he fell into a bad company and continuous financial troubles forced him to steal things; got arrested multiple times.
His mother attempted suicide when he was just 15 and he went into depression. That explains the heavy influence of Saturn particularly during this phase and the curving of the lifeline towards the Apollo line(black color) indicates that somehow he wanted to get out of that situation.
Read More: Types of Fate line on the palm, CLICK HERE
A branch from headline to Saturn mount
It is getting reinforced with the branches from the headline going toward the Saturn mount which made him quite responsible and diligent.
It is this self-realization and wisdom bestowed by the Saturn mount that changed his life forever, otherwise, he would have been a completely different person we see today.
The fate line is running quite close to the lifeline in the initial phase represents family members who guided his career.
His father trained him in wrestling before Dwayne became the wrestling champion of all time.
The branch from the fate line to mount of Mercury
A branch from the fate line is going towards the mount of mercury indicates outstanding success in the business.
He started his own production with 7 dollars in his pocket known as seven bucks production with his ex-wife.
Shrewd Businessman
A single vertical line on the mount of mercury, a large practical zone created by the low set thumb along with the long mercury finger, and good development of the second section of all fingers make him a shrewd businessman who knows how to make money.
Moreover, the heart line starting under the Saturn mount on a square hand suggests common sense rules over his emotions.
Read More: Hand Shape Types and your personality, CLICK HERE
Double Triangle on Sun mount
The Sun line is deeply etched like the line on a stone and starts from the triangle.
There is another triangle formed at the base of Apollo’s finger.
The triangle on the sun mount without any defects gave him international fame, wealth, and luck in his life. At the same time, the sun line is getting slightly shifted towards the Saturn mount which suggests the stupendous success is coming from the hard work and meticulous planning in the art and creative field.
The vertical line on finger phalanges
Vertical lines on the third section of all the fingers represent his friendly nature, contact with influential people, and success in the materialistic world.
The line from Mount of Moon to Fate line
The line from the mount of the moon joining the fate line denotes a romantic union.
He married his long-time girlfriend at the age of around 25 but the actual effect started at the age of around 28.
Fate’s line looks strong after the union and a small line from this line goes towards the mount of the Sun represents the influence that proved to be very fruitful and brought success and fame in his life.
In fact, today the financial branch of Dwayne is managed by his ex-wife.
Lines from Venus cutting life line
From the age of 25 to 30, lots of confused lines are hitting life line denotes inner confusion and frustrations.
However, it is difficult to predict what went wrong that led to his divorce at the age of around 35 just by looking at the two marriage lines also known as the affection line of equal length and depth, and one of the lines from the influence line touching the effort line.
Potential future
The current age of Dwayne is 46.
At the age of around 47 or 48, I see spectacular success which will bring fame and riches in his life. Similar results will follow at the age of around 50 or 51.
However, he should avoid doing strenuous activities after the age of 50 as the headline is getting faint and weak.
Lines running parallel to the lifeline
Multiple sister lines inside the lifeline running all the way parallel to the lifeline suggest constant strength and support of spouse and people.
It also represents immense vitality and intense nature who is always excited for new things as he belongs to the Martian type.
A small island on the branch line and under the mercury mount on the left hand might bring some small financial losses and blood pressure issues in the coming future. Other than this, there is no negative marking on the hand and I see unstoppable success with regard to fame, money, and personal life.
His hand is a classic example of hard work, perseverance, and luck.
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