Broken Life Line

A break in lifeline represents a loss of energy, major illness, or accident depending on the length of the break.
Check the condition of the line after the break.
If the line appears to be thin with some defects it can be concluded that the person didn’t recover from the mentioned troubles and he or she is vulnerable to various life-threatening diseases.
Life line goes to Moon mount

A lifeline going to Mount Moon denotes innate love for travel and the person will travel to lots of foreign countries in one’s career.
It also indicates the constant restlessness and nervous nature of the person.
Read More: Signs and symptoms of depression, CLICK HERE
Lifeline breaks and starts again

Continuous breaks on the lifeline suggest serious danger from accidents, illness, instability, and a significant decrease in vitality.
However, if the line starts again after the break denotes the person somehow recovered from the traumatic experience.
To ascertain the exact cause, always cross-check with the mercury line also known as the health line.
Read More: Different Combination of lifelines part 1, CLICK HERE
Ladder like Lifeline

If the lifeline ends in a ladder-like formation as shown represents a disturbance in the electric current, constant on and off health troubles making the immune system very weak.
No wonder, such a person finds it difficult to concentrate on one’s career to fragile health.
Dots or Spots on the Lifeline

Spots or dots on the lifeline denote minor troubles or obstacles.
The red dot on the lifeline represents high fever, chickenpox, typhoid, or serious illness. Always cross-check with the health line, headline, and the mounts to make some solid conclusion.
Although rare, a black spot on life line indicates a major accident or even defamation.
Split on Lifeline

The arrows on the lifeline as shown indicates the flow of energy from the top to the bottom.
If the line splits inside the lifeline as shown represents a diversion of energy from the main current.
It denotes someone close to the person who might have passed away or he or she is making an unsuccessful attempt trying two different things at the same time/love affair.
Sister life line Palmistry

If there is a break on the lifeline and the sister line appears outside (position 1) or inside (position 2) the lifeline runs parallel to the lifeline is a sign of protection from serious illness or accidents.
Read More: If you have a Guardian Angel line consider yourself very lucky, CLICK HERE
Lifeline joining Fate line

If the life line joins the fate line represents a sudden change in the lifestyle or thinking process of the person.
It’s a very unique kind of formation where the fate line acts as a lifeline as well as the destiny line.
The age of transition can be found out when the lifeline meets the fate line as shown.
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