The lifeline starts just above the base of the thumb and encircles the Venus mount.
Life line indicates the physical energy and vitality, resistance to diseases and accidents, enthusiasm, and major events happenings in the person’s life.
Curved Life Line

If the lifeline is deep, thin, and takes a curve at the end as shown suggests that the person is full of energy, enthusiastic, resilient to diseases, and leads a luxurious life provided there are no defects on the mount of Venus.
Life Line starting from Jupiter mount

If the lifeline starts from the mount of Jupiter indicates a life full of ambitions, wealth, and fame.
Thickness of Lifeline

If the lifeline is thick and dark indicates the person will be good in sports or physical labor.
If the color of the line is red indicates the person is impulsive and violent in nature. In such a case, the person won’t be able to achieve significant success in one’s life.
An island on the Lifeline

If an island appears in the life line indicates some sort of accident, health issue, injury, or emotional disturbance in the person’s life at that particular age.
Always cross-check with the line of mercury also known as the health line to ascertain the reason behind those troubles.
The bigger the island denotes the greater the intensity of the attack on the person’s life.
Life Line close to the thumb

If the lifeline runs close to the thumb represents the person’s lack of sexual desire towards the opposite sex as the mount of Venus becomes smaller in size.
The person will be insensitive and harsh in day-to-day activities.
Read More: Fortunate Signs on the Mount of Moon in your hands, CLICK HERE
Chained Life line and head line

If the lifeline and the headline are chained only at the beginning of the hand indicates that the initial period of the person’s life was quite a struggle either emotionally or physically.
Chained Life line

If the entire lifeline is chained represents the person will suffer from constant health issues. The digestive and immune system of such a person is weak.
Read More: Headline tells a lot about your personality, CLICK HERE
Sister Life line

If the line runs parallel to the life line it acts as a protection from external forces and strengthens the life line.
This line is known as the sister lifeline or influence line because it also indicates good marriage because of the support of the spouse throughout life.
Lines cutting Lifeline

If the small lines are cut the lifeline without meeting either the head line or heart line indicates continuous troubles or the nervous nature of the person.
The intensity and nature of the cut decide the seriousness of the trouble.
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