The major lines are the ones that are formed at the time of our birth and are directly related to our brains. It indicates how the person reacts emotionally, intellectually and how is the person’s physical health and energy level.
That is the reason why these lines are known as the heart line, the headline, and the lifeline.
The Heart line

The ideal heart line starts below the mercury mount and goes all the way between the Jupiter mount and the Saturn mount as shown by position 1.
The heart line indicates how well a person expresses his emotions with respect to love and relationship. The longer, deeper and more the curve it takes indicates the person will be able to express one’s emotions very clearly and he or she is very
good at heart.
Read More: Different types of heart lines, CLICK HERE
Barack Obama’s HeartLine

Let’s see the example of Barack Obama’s hand (former president of the United States of America), you can clearly see how deep, long, and well-curved the heart line is ending between Jupiter and the Saturn mount.
That is the reason why he is able to connect with people with his powerful speeches and magnetic personality. At the same time, he shares a great bond with his wife.
If the heart line goes to the Jupiter mount as shown by position 2 indicates the bearer is an idealistic, intense lover and is very demanding in nature.
If the heart line goes to the Saturn mount as shown by position 3 indicates the bearer displays his or her emotions using a physical relationship. The bearer also becomes selfish and secretive in love matters.
The Head line

Generally, the headline starts below the Jupiter mount starting from the lifeline as shown, and runs all the way toward the palm.
The head line represents intellectual capacity, decision-making power, ability to concentrate on your career or goal, capacity to remember things, and how well a person can use his or her imagination for doing productive things in life.
If the headline is long, deep, straight, and runs all the way ending below the mercury mount as shown by position 1 indicates a single-minded focus, practical nature, and good intellectual capacity of the person. However, a short headline without any defects does not mean the person lacks intellectual capacity. It means the person restricts one’s thinking process to his or her immediate surroundings only.
If the headline starts moving towards the mount of the moon as shown by position 2 indicates the person is making use of creativity and imagination to succeed in one’s life.
Headline and Lifeline joined

Most of the time, you will find the headline and the lifeline remain attached for a certain period of time as shown and then it gets separated. It means that initially, the bearer was a lot more dependent on his parents, friends, or relatives for decisions in life making one more cautious in life.
The more the headline starts moving upwards separating from life line indicates the person is an independent thinker who believes in one’s decisions making him or her a very confident person.
The Lifeline

The lifeline starts just above the base of the thumb and encircles the Venus mount as shown.
Life line indicates the physical energy and vitality, resistance to diseases and accidents, enthusiasm, and major events happenings in the person’s life.
Ideal lifeline starts below the Jupiter mount and takes a nice curve in the end which indicates the person enjoys life to the fullest, finds a perfect balance between the professional and private life, and is not easily afflicted with diseases. A short lifeline does not mean a short lifespan. It indicates they take life as it comes and does not go into planning in advance.
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