Although I always keep on mentioning in many articles that lines or bad signs on the hands do change depending upon the thinking process and the external circumstances of the person, it always takes time and the result is not all of a sudden.
Bad Signs in palmistry

Bad signs or negative signs in palmistry are the reflections of the obstacles that are faced by the person or he or she will be facing in the near future with regard to one’s career, relationship, health, or financial matters.
Let’s see some of the negative signs that can be found in the person’s hand.
Tassels in palmistry

Tassels in palmistry are often found at the end of the lines where the line gets split into multiple branches which suggests that the energy of the person is trying to escape into all possible directions which takes a toll on the physical, emotional, and intellectual capacity of the person.
Island sign in Palmistry

An Island is formed when the line separates into two parts and rejoins after some time forming an enclosed area as shown.
The island sign on the palm is always associated with a period of stress, lack of progress, accidents, or any other major health issues.
The interpretation changes depending upon its location on the hands.
Read More: Islands on various lines and mounts, CLICK HERE
Chained line in palmistry

Chained lines on the palm look like a series of small islands attached to one another as shown.
Imagine a road full of potholes, the ride on such a road will be bumpy and unstable. In the same way, chain structure denotes instability, disturbances, and an inability to take decisions in one’s life.

Read More: Chained Heart line and its meaning, CLICK HERE
Grille found on the hand

Whenever multiple lines get crisscrossed with each other, a grille gets formed which indicates that the energy is not getting directed in the right way causing a lot of confusion, anxiety, and insecurity in the person’s life depending upon its location.
Grilles take away the positive qualities associated with mounts or lines in general causing lots of obstructions in his or her life.
Dot or spot in palmistry

Dots or spot on the line generally indicates illness or some kind of depression at that particular age.
Interpretation changes depending on its color and where it is found.
Downward branches from the main line

Life will be quite difficult and full of obstacles if there are continuous downward branches from the major lines or minor lines in general.
He or she will face constant disappointments with little progress in one’s life. Due to this, there are high chances of a person developing a negative approach towards life.
In addition, the person might face financial or health issues, and continuous loss of energy during that particular phase.
Read More: Downward Branches from Lifeline, CLICK HERE
Breaks on the main line

Breaks on the line always indicate sudden major changes or setbacks in the person’s life in terms of career, business, relationship, depression, or even loss of family members.
On an exceptional hand, breaks can bring positive results but generally speaking, they are considered as some kind of major setbacks or trauma because it interrupts the main current of the line.
I have an island on my lifeline dose this mean I’m gunna get cancer I’m so scared and depressed because of this I’m super sacred and I can’t sleep at night??
I have loads of bad signs, got the tassle, Islands, chains, downward branches probably have a grille and maybe even dots as I do have depression, my lifes a mess, 40 years old, single no good prospects to come, depression, anxiety, lack of belief and confidence, loads of disappointments, guess I just need to die now and have done with!!