Gaps Between The Fingers And Your Personality In Palmistry
The spaces or gaps between your fingers can reveal a lot about your attitude and personality traits, especially how you approach daily activities. It’s an […]
The spaces or gaps between your fingers can reveal a lot about your attitude and personality traits, especially how you approach daily activities. It’s an […]
Skin ridge patterns are found on the tips of the fingers, palm surface, and even soles of a human being. Loops, whorls, and arches are […]
Where is mount of Saturn in palmistry? Saturn mount occupies the space just below the middle finger and above the heart line as shown. The […]
It is important to understand different personality traits and character imperfections to accurately understand why the marriage is getting delayed. If an individual is unwilling […]
Ring Of Solomon on your hands? The Ring of Solomon is an arc formed between Jupiter finger and Saturn finger that encircles the index finger […]
How to predict divorce in palmistry? Surprisingly, every alternate day I get divorce cases for consultation. Lack of tolerance, commitment, ego problems, infidelity, and even […]
This is the hand of a brilliant businessman who consulted me for a reading. He is born on this planet to make money as the […]
Island sign on palm Islands in palmistry are formed when the line splits itself into two parts and rejoins after traveling some distance creating a […]
The pineal gland is a cone-shaped organ located near the center of the brain between two cerebral hemispheres and is about the size of a […]
Mercury planet is the closest and fastest planet in our Solar system. I can draw parallels and apply them to the hands. The Mount of […]
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