Horizontal lines found on the wrist just below the base of your palm are known as bracelets lines.
Sometimes, three or more well-marked lines are present on a person’s hand.
Wrist lines meaning in palmistry

Traditional palm readers counted each independent bracelet also known as Rascette lines in palmistry to be of 30 years.
The first one was considered the bracelet of health.
The second one supposedly revealed wealth, and the third one was about happiness.
None of the points mentioned holds true in modern palmistry except for the first bracelet which tells a lot about the inner constitution of an individual.
There is zero correlation between the number of lines on the wrist and the long life of a person. If someone says you will live 60 years or 90 years based on wrist lines, it is erroneous and absolutely baseless.
The obvious question is, what is the use of these lines in palmistry?
Well, the first bracelet in conjunction with the lifeline and many other signs on your hands helps to find the energy level of a person and sometimes foreign travels as well.
Triangle on Bracelet

If the first bracelet is clear and deep suggests that the internal parts of the human body such as the stomach, bladder, and reproductive system are working in good condition.
A triangle on a bracelet line in palmistry represents sudden wealth and luck in his or her life.
Chained Bracelet line

Chained wrist lines denote the person is born with a weak constitution.
Always cross-check the condition of the lifeline before making any solid conclusions.
Breaks on Bracelet line

Breaks on the bracelet are considered as a bad sign especially if it appears under the mount of Saturn.
It might bring some kind of misfortune in the bearer’s life because of one’s health issues.
Always cross-check with the health line and the lifeline to know the exact cause behind those health issues.
Island and Cross on Bracelet line

An island or a cross on the bracelet will bring similar kinds of health troubles (as mentioned above) in the bearer’s life.
Read More: Do You have these bad Signs in your hands, CLICK HERE
Arch on the Bracelet line

If the arch gets formed on the bracelet as shown suggests problems in the reproductive system.
In the woman’s hand, it represents problems in childbearing, irregular periods, or pregnancy-related issues.
In the male’s hand, it denotes problems in the urinary (prostate area) which leads to low sperm count.
Ancient Greek Culture Validation

During the ancient Greek culture, women use to visit the priest at the temple and if the priest found such a sign on the hands they were not allowed to marry someone because of the delicate reproductive organs.
Even today, this sign holds its significance.
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